Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.uda

Class Summary
IFSUDActionEditPane Subclass of generic universal files action edit pane, specialized for iSeries IFS user actions.
IFSUDActionSubsystem Specialization of universal file user action support for IFS
IFSUDSubstList Encapsulation of the substitution variables for IFS folders/files when user selects QSYS command type.
IFSUDSubstListFiles Encapsulation of the substitution variables for IFS files when user selects QSYS command type.
IFSUDTypesEditPaneFiles This class is used just to set a proper name validator that can handle the NLS problems in open rse 3.0.1.
JobUDActionSubsystem User Action subclass for managing user actions for Job Subsystem.
JobUDSubstList Encapsulation of the unique substitution variables for jobs
NFSUDSubstListCommon Encapsulation of the common substitution variables for both iSeries objects and members.
NFSUDTypesEditor This is an "editor" for defining the types part of a named type, for iSeries objects.
NFSUDTypesEditPane This subclass specializes the named-type edit pane for iSeries (objects and members) native file system named types
QSYSUDActionEditPane Subclass of generic action edit pane, specialized for iSeries NFS user actions.
QSYSUDActionSubsystem Abstraction of the common services for both iSeries Objects and iSeries Jobs for the support of user defined actions.
QSYSUDSubstListCommon Encapsulation of the common substitution variables for both iSeries objects and members.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.