Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.validators

Class Summary
ValidatorCompileCommandLabel This is a copy of the open RSE ValidatorCompileCommandLabel, but with some modifications, due to NLS problems in open RSE.
ValidatorCompileMemberType This class validates an iSeries member type.
ValidatorHex This class is used for validating hexidecimals specified in iSeries format
ValidatorIBMiFile This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a file name.
ValidatorIBMiJobName This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job name.
ValidatorIBMiJobNumber This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job number
ValidatorIBMiJobUser This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job user attribute
ValidatorIBMiLibrary This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a library name.
ValidatorIBMiMember This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a member name.
ValidatorIBMiMemberType This class validates an iSeries member type.
ValidatorIBMiModule This class validates the name of an AS400 module.
ValidatorIBMiMsgFile This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a message file name.
ValidatorIBMiObject This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an object name.
ValidatorIBMiProgram This class validates the name of an AS400 Program (or service program).
ValidatorIBMiUserId This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an iSeries userId.
ValidatorIBMUserTypeName This is a copy of ValidatorUserTypeName from Open RSE, but modified to work around the nls problems currently in open rse 3.0.
ValidatorQSYSAspDev This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an asp device object name.
ValidatorQSYSAutList This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an authorization list object name.
ValidatorQSYSCCSIDValue This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a CCSID value.
Valid CCSID values are any integer in the range 1 to 65535, inclusive.
ValidatorQSYSCommandName This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a command name.
ValidatorQSYSCommandString This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a command string, or command parameters
ValidatorQSYSDataArea This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a data area name.
ValidatorQSYSDataQ This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a data queue name.
ValidatorQSYSLibraryListFilter This class is used in the New Library List Filter wizard, when a filter pool is selected by the user.
ValidatorQSYSMsgFile This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a message file name.
ValidatorQSYSObjectAttr This class validates an iSeries object attribute.
ValidatorQSYSObjectType This class validates an iSeries object type.
ValidatorQSYSRecordLengthValue This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a Record Length values.
Valid record length values are any integer in the range 13 to 32766, inclusive.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.