Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.6 |
Class Summary | |
ValidatorCompileCommandLabel | This is a copy of the open RSE ValidatorCompileCommandLabel, but with some modifications, due to NLS problems in open RSE. |
ValidatorCompileMemberType | This class validates an iSeries member type. |
ValidatorHex | This class is used for validating hexidecimals specified in iSeries format |
ValidatorIBMiFile | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a file name. |
ValidatorIBMiJobD | |
ValidatorIBMiJobName | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job name. |
ValidatorIBMiJobNumber | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job number |
ValidatorIBMiJobUser | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a job user attribute |
ValidatorIBMiLibrary | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a library name. |
ValidatorIBMiMember | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a member name. |
ValidatorIBMiMemberType | This class validates an iSeries member type. |
ValidatorIBMiModule | This class validates the name of an AS400 module. |
ValidatorIBMiMsgFile | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a message file name. |
ValidatorIBMiObject | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an object name. |
ValidatorIBMiProgram | This class validates the name of an AS400 Program (or service program). |
ValidatorIBMiSBMJOBParms | |
ValidatorIBMiUserId | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an iSeries userId. |
ValidatorIBMUserTypeName | This is a copy of ValidatorUserTypeName from Open RSE, but modified to work around the nls problems currently in open rse 3.0. |
ValidatorQSYSAspDev | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an asp device object name. |
ValidatorQSYSAutList | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for an authorization list object name. |
ValidatorQSYSCCSIDValue | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a CCSID value. Valid CCSID values are any integer in the range 1 to 65535, inclusive. |
ValidatorQSYSCommandName | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a command name. |
ValidatorQSYSCommandString | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a command string, or command parameters |
ValidatorQSYSDataArea | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a data area name. |
ValidatorQSYSDataQ | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a data queue name. |
ValidatorQSYSLibraryListFilter | This class is used in the New Library List Filter wizard, when a filter pool is selected by the user. |
ValidatorQSYSMsgFile | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a message file name. |
ValidatorQSYSObjectAttr | This class validates an iSeries object attribute. |
ValidatorQSYSObjectType | This class validates an iSeries object type. |
ValidatorQSYSRecordLengthValue | This class is used in dialogs that prompt for a Record Length values. Valid record length values are any integer in the range 13 to 32766, inclusive. |
Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.6 |