Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.wizard.cmds

Class Summary
AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizard Abstract base class for wizards for creating various types of new iSeries objects.
AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardAdvPage Abstract base class for the Second page of the wizards for creating various types of new iSeries objects.
AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage Abstract base class for the Second page of the wizards for creating various types of new iSeries objects.
NewQSYSDataAreaWizard Wizard for creating a new data area
NewQSYSDataAreaWizardAdvPage Second page of the "New Data Area" wizard.
NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage Main page of the "New Data Area" wizard.
NewQSYSDataQWizard Wizard for creating a new data queue
NewQSYSDataQWizardAdvPage Second page of the "New Data Queue" wizard.
NewQSYSDataQWizardMainPage Main page of the "New Data Queue" wizard.
NewQSYSLibraryWizard Wizard for creating a new library
NewQSYSLibraryWizardAdvPage Second page of the "New Library" wizard.
NewQSYSLibraryWizardMainPage Main page of the "New Library" wizard.
NewQSYSMemberWizard Wizard for creating a new physical file member.
NewQSYSMemberWizardMainPage Default main page of the "New Member" wizard.
NewQSYSMsgFileWizard Wizard for creating a new message file
NewQSYSMsgFileWizardAdvPage Second page of the "New Message File" wizard.
NewQSYSMsgFileWizardMainPage Main page of the "New Message File" wizard.
NewQSYSObjectWizardOptionsPage Common final wizard page, when creating new iSeries resources, to prompt user for some common options: Do they wish to create a new filter to show the new object? Do they wish to activate/set-focus-to the RSE perspective? This can be subclassed or can be instantiated and configured.
NewQSYSSourceFileWizard Wizard for creating a new source physical file
NewQSYSSourceFileWizardAdvPage Second page of the "New Source Physical File" wizard.
NewQSYSSourceFileWizardMainPage Main page of the "New Source Physical File" wizard.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.