Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage

  extended by AbstractSystemWizardPage
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.wizard.cmds.AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage
          extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.wizard.cmds.NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage
All Implemented Interfaces:
IQSYSLibraryPromptListener, IQSYSObjectPromptListener

public class NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage
extends AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage

Main page of the "New Data Area" wizard.

Field Summary
static String copyright
Fields inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.wizard.cmds.AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage
CMDDFT, CMDDFT_ARRAY, cmdStringDelta, commandSoFar, commandString, connection, connPrompt, entryObjPrompt, entryObjText, errorMessage, inpLib, inpObj, inpText, newLib, newObj, newText
Constructor Summary
NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage(Wizard wizard, IHost connection)
Method Summary
protected  String buildCommandStringDelta()
          For child subclasses.
protected  String getCommandStart()
          Return the start of the command.
 String getDataAreaType()
          Return the type of the data area to add.
protected  QSYSBasePrompt getObjectPrompt(Composite composite_prompts, int nbrColumns)
          Return the widget for prompting for the object
protected  String getTextLabel()
          Return the key to use to get the xlated label and tooltip for the TEXT fields
protected  String getTextTooltip()
          Return the label to use to get the xlated label and tooltip for the TEXT fields
 void handleEvent(Event e)
          Handles events generated by controls on this page.
protected  String internalGetDataAreaType()
          Return the type selection as a string
protected  boolean internalIsPageComplete()
          Do page completion testing beyond what the base class does.
protected  void internalPropogateDataAreaTypeChange()
          Inform the second page of a change in the data area data type selection
protected  Control performFinishValidation()
          Do validation beyond what the base class does, when Finish is pressed.
protected  void populateControls(Composite composite_prompts, int nbrColumns)
          Populate the content area with additional controls beyond what the parent supplies...
protected  void prepareControls()
          Pre-fill any child-class-unique controls with passed-in data, and set any keystroke listeners...
protected  void selectDataAreaType(String daType)
          Select the appropriate type radio button given the type string
 void setDataAreaType(String daType)
          Set data area type.
protected  void sizeControls(Composite composite_prompts, int nbrColumns)
          Adjust the size of any child-class-unique controls...
Methods inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.wizard.cmds.AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage
buildCommandString, buildOurCommandStringDelta, createContents, createRigidFillerLabel, getCommandString, getCommandStringDelta, getConnection, getInitialFocusControl, getLibraryName, getLibraryPrompt, getObjectName, getObjectPrompt, getObjectText, getOurWizard, isPageComplete, libraryNameChanged, objectNameChanged, performFinish, setConnection, setLibraryName, setObjectName, setObjectText, setVisible, validateTextInput, widgetDefaultSelected, widgetSelected
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String copyright
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public NewQSYSDataAreaWizardMainPage(Wizard wizard,
                                     IHost connection)

Method Detail


protected void internalPropogateDataAreaTypeChange()
Inform the second page of a change in the data area data type selection


protected String internalGetDataAreaType()
Return the type selection as a string


public void setDataAreaType(String daType)
Set data area type. One of "*DEC", "*CHAR" or "*LGL"


protected void selectDataAreaType(String daType)
Select the appropriate type radio button given the type string


public String getDataAreaType()
Return the type of the data area to add. One of "*DEC", "*CHAR" or "*LGL"


public void handleEvent(Event e)
Handles events generated by controls on this page. Overridden from parent.

handleEvent in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected String getTextLabel()
Return the key to use to get the xlated label and tooltip for the TEXT fields

Specified by:
getTextLabel in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected String getTextTooltip()
Return the label to use to get the xlated label and tooltip for the TEXT fields

Specified by:
getTextTooltip in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected QSYSBasePrompt getObjectPrompt(Composite composite_prompts,
                                         int nbrColumns)
Return the widget for prompting for the object

Specified by:
getObjectPrompt in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected void populateControls(Composite composite_prompts,
                                int nbrColumns)
Populate the content area with additional controls beyond what the parent supplies...

Specified by:
populateControls in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected void prepareControls()
Pre-fill any child-class-unique controls with passed-in data, and set any keystroke listeners...

Specified by:
prepareControls in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected void sizeControls(Composite composite_prompts,
                            int nbrColumns)
Adjust the size of any child-class-unique controls...

Specified by:
sizeControls in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected String getCommandStart()
Return the start of the command. Eg "CRTDTAARA DTAARA("

Specified by:
getCommandStart in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected String buildCommandStringDelta()
For child subclasses. Build the command string for the additional parameters not handled by the base class.

Specified by:
buildCommandStringDelta in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected Control performFinishValidation()
Do validation beyond what the base class does, when Finish is pressed. Return the control to set focus to if any error is found. Also, set the errorMessage instance variable if an error is found. Further, set any newXXX instance variables you want to access via getXXX methods after successful finish.

Specified by:
performFinishValidation in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage


protected boolean internalIsPageComplete()
Do page completion testing beyond what the base class does. Return true if it is ok to enable Finish.

Specified by:
internalIsPageComplete in class AbstractNewQSYSObjectWizardMainPage

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.