Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class JobTicket

  extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.subsystems.qsys.jobs.JobTicket
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.remotebuild.JobTicket

Deprecated. Use the JobTicket class inside of com.ibm.etools.systems.as400jobsubsys.impl insetad. This class is now just a thin wrapper to keep the API consistent.

public class JobTicket
extends JobTicket

A JobTicket stores information about a job running on an iSeries system. It can be saved and restored from a persistent form stored with the project metadata. Each ticket is persisted in a separate file. A project may have several tickets that each track a batch jobs for the project.

JobTickets are created by a user immediately after a job is submitted and then given to a JobTicketManager to manage. These are typically used to track build jobs.

Field Summary
static String Copyright
static int Finished
          Deprecated. Indicates the job is Finished.
static int Queued
          Deprecated. Indicates that the job is on an iSeries job queue.
static int Running
          Deprecated. Indicates the job is currently active.
static int Unknown
          Deprecated. Indicates that the job status is unknown.
Fields inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.subsystems.qsys.jobs.JobTicket
Constructor Summary
JobTicket(RBProject project, long timeStamp, String name, String user, String number, int status, String connectionName, String systemName, String tag)
          Deprecated. Creates a new job ticket from its parameter parts.
Method Summary
static JobTicket createFrom(RBProject project, String mementoName)
          Deprecated. This method is no longer supported. Job Tickets are stored and retrieved from the .metadata area for the com.ibm.etools.iseries.core plug-in.
 RBProject getProject()
          Deprecated. Returns the project of the job.
 int getStatus()
          Deprecated. Returns the status of the job.
 String getTag()
          Deprecated. Returns the tag for the job.
 String getTicketName()
          Deprecated. Returns the name of the job ticket.
 void setStatus(int status)
          Deprecated. The status is now queried from the job so this method is ignored
Methods inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.subsystems.qsys.jobs.JobTicket
clearMemento, createFrom, equals, getConnection, getFileName, getJob, getJobName, getJobNumber, getJobTicketSource, getLocation, getMemento, getQualifiedJobName, getStatusString, getSubSystem, getTask, getTimeStamp, getUserName, isDirty, isFinished, isJobQueued, isOutputQueued, isPersistJob, isRunning, refresh, save, setJobTicketSource, setPersistJob
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String Copyright
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int Queued
Indicates that the job is on an iSeries job queue. Value = 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int Running
Indicates the job is currently active. Value = 1.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int Finished
Indicates the job is Finished. Value = 2.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int Unknown
Indicates that the job status is unknown. Value = 99.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JobTicket(RBProject project,
                 long timeStamp,
                 String name,
                 String user,
                 String number,
                 int status,
                 String connectionName,
                 String systemName,
                 String tag)
Creates a new job ticket from its parameter parts. Usually done by a submitter. After a job ticket is created it is usually added to a JobTicketManager that will refresh its status, persist it and dispose of it when it is no longer needed. A newly created ticket is assumed to be dirty so it will be written when requested.

project - the project with which this job is associated.
timeStamp - the time that this job is submitted. This is a client determined time and is used to sort the tickets in submitted order. Usually calculated by the user around the time the ticket is created.
name - the job name. This is usually obtained from the feedback information returned from the job submission.
user - the job user. Usually obtained from the submission feedback.
number - the job number. Usually obtained from the submission feedback.
status - the initial job status -- usually JobTicket.Queued.
connectionName - the name of the connection under which this job was submitted.
systemName - the name of the system to which this job was submitted. This is remembered since a connection can be editted to change its system name. The ticket will still remember the old system.
tag - the tag used for this job submission.
Method Detail


public static JobTicket createFrom(RBProject project,
                                   String mementoName)
Deprecated. This method is no longer supported. Job Tickets are stored and retrieved from the .metadata area for the com.ibm.etools.iseries.core plug-in.

Loads a ticket for a project with a given name.


public void setStatus(int status)
Deprecated. The status is now queried from the job so this method is ignored

Sets the status of this particular job ticket. Usually set by a JobTicketManager. This is the only mutable property of a job ticket and so setting it marks the ticket as dirty.


public int getStatus()
Returns the status of the job.


public String getTicketName()
Returns the name of the job ticket. This is a manufactured name consisting of the project's name and the qualified job name.

getTicketName in class JobTicket


public RBProject getProject()
Returns the project of the job.


public String getTag()
Returns the tag for the job.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.