Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Interface IISeriesHostListObjectFactory

All Superinterfaces:
IISeriesHostListBaseFactory, IISeriesHostObjectFactory
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ISeriesHostListMemberNameOnlyFactory, ISeriesHostListObjectBasicFactory, ISeriesHostListObjectBriefFactory, ISeriesHostListObjectExhaustiveFactory, ISeriesHostListObjectNameArrayFactory, ISeriesHostListObjectNameOnlyFactory, QSYSHostFactory, QSYSRemoteFactory

public interface IISeriesHostListObjectFactory
extends IISeriesHostListBaseFactory, IISeriesHostObjectFactory

This interface defines a factory for creating new instances of classes which implement the IISeriesHostObjectXXX interfaces:

  • IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly for just name and context information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBrief for simple information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBasic for typical information
  • IISeriesHostObjectExhaustive for all information This is a special factory interface required for ISeriesListObjects, as it may be the case that a separate object is desired to be created for libraries vs DB-files vs other-objects.

    So this interface has three createObject methods: one for each. The list processor will look at the type and attribute of the host object being processed and call the appropriate method. HOWEVER, every object returned must implement one of the three interfaces above ... and indeed must implement the same one.

    Note that to retrieve the size (#bytes) is cheap when getting info about one object but is expensive when getting info about a list of objects. So, this interface includes size since it is typically needed, but it also includes a method to indicate you are not interested in the size, if performance is a consideration.

    See Also:
    ISeriesHostObjectNameOnlyFactory, ISeriesHostObjectBriefFactory, ISeriesHostObjectBasicFactory, ISeriesHostObjectExhaustiveFactory, IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly, ISeriesHostObjectNameOnly, IISeriesHostObjectBrief, ISeriesHostObjectBrief, IISeriesHostObjectBasic, ISeriesHostObjectBasic, IISeriesHostObjectExhaustive, ISeriesHostObjectExhaustive

    Field Summary
    static String Copyright
    Method Summary
     IISeriesHostMemberNameOnly createDataMember()
              Return an instance of a class that represents a data member.
     IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly createIFSFolderObject()
              Return an instance of a class that implements the interface matching the amount of information you want returned to you for a folder object.
     IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly createLibraryObject()
              Return an instance of a class that implements the interface matching the amount of information you want returned to you for a library object: IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly for just name and context information IISeriesHostObjectBrief for simple information IISeriesHostObjectBasic for typical information IISeriesHostObjectExhaustive for all information
     IISeriesHostMemberNameOnly createSourceMember()
              Return an instance of a class that represents a source member.
     boolean wantToIncludeSize()
              Tell the object list processor if the size is wanted.
    Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.etools.iseries.comm.interfaces.IISeriesHostObjectFactory

    Field Detail


    static final String Copyright
    See Also:
    Constant Field Values
    Method Detail


    boolean wantToIncludeSize()
    Tell the object list processor if the size is wanted. The size per object is: - not available for *LIBL library list, member list and IFS list requests. - available but expensize for object lists.


    IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly createLibraryObject()
    Return an instance of a class that implements the interface matching the amount of information you want returned to you for a library object:
  • IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly for just name and context information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBrief for simple information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBasic for typical information
  • IISeriesHostObjectExhaustive for all information

  • createIFSFolderObject

    IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly createIFSFolderObject()
    Return an instance of a class that implements the interface matching the amount of information you want returned to you for a folder object.
  • IISeriesHostObjectNameOnly for just name and context information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBrief for simple information
  • IISeriesHostObjectBasic for typical information
  • IISeriesHostObjectExhaustive for all information The inherited IISeriesHostObjectFactory.createObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) method is called for files.

  • createSourceMember

    IISeriesHostMemberNameOnly createSourceMember()
    Return an instance of a class that represents a source member.


    IISeriesHostMemberNameOnly createDataMember()
    Return an instance of a class that represents a data member.

    Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

    Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

    Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.