Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.systems.application.visual.editor.actions

Class Summary
ArrangeAllPromptActionDelegate The action that rearranges the diagram with specified line style and orientation from prompt dialog.
BrowseSourceAction Action for browsing the source of the selected object.
ChangeAllContainerExpandActionDelegate Expand all collapsed artifacts which are currently visible in diagram.
ChangeContainerExpandActionDelegate Action for changing expand/collapse state of container.
CollapseAllContainerActionDelegate Collapse all containers in the diagram.
CollapseContainerActionDelegate Action for collapsing container editpart.
CopyToFileBaseActionDelegate The action to copy Application diagram model to text file.
DefaultTopologyExporter Default implementation of IApplicationDiagramModelExporter which can generate topology from ApplicationModel and save it to a text file.
ExpandAllContainerActionDelegate Expand all containers in the diagram.
ExpandContainerActionDelegate Action for expanding container editpart.
OpenSourceAction Action to open the source for selected node in Application Diagram.
SearchMainEntryPointActionDelegate The action searchs the visible main entry points in current Application Diagram.
ShowColorsAndFontsPreferenceAction Action to open preference page for Application Diagram.
ShowDiagramPreferenceAction Action to open primary preference page for Application Diagram.
SwitchViewBaseAction The action to apply a specific model view filter to the Application Diagram.
SystemGraphicalEditorActionBarContributor ActionBarContributor for Application Diagram Viewer.
SystemGraphicalEditorPrintAction Created on Apr 24, 2006 Ported from Composite editor.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.