Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.6 |
public class QSYSNfsCommandHandler
Helper class for running remote commands and refreshing the tree or table views if required.
Field Summary | |
static int |
static String |
Constructor Summary | |
QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell)
Constructor. |
QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell,
boolean bUpdateTreeView)
Constructor that explicitly specifying whether to update the tree view. |
QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell,
boolean bUpdateTreeView,
boolean bUpdateTableView)
Constructor that explicitly specifying whether to update the tree view and table view. |
QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell,
QSYSCommandSubSystem cmdSubsystem)
Constructor when you set the command subsystem to use for running remote commands. |
Method Summary | |
int |
changeDescription(IQSYSResource element,
String sNewDescription)
Change description of an object on a remote iseries. |
int |
changeLibraryList(String cmd,
String newLib,
ISystemTree tree,
ISystemFilterReference selectedFilter)
Make a change to the library list: add, change curlib, remove a library, etc Unlike other methods in here, you supply the ADDLIBLE command string. |
int |
changeMessageDescription(IQSYSMessageDescription msgd)
Change an existing message description. |
int |
changeObject(QSYSHostObject objectToChange,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Prompt the user for the appropriate Change XXX command on the iseries, based on the type of the given iseries object. |
int |
changeType(IQSYSResource objectToChange,
String sNewType)
Change type of a library or member on a remote iseries. |
int |
copyFile(QSYSHostObject objectToCopy,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run Copy file. |
int |
copyLib(String sSourceLib,
String sTargetLib,
boolean processCmdLineParm,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Copy a library on the iSeries. |
int |
copyMbr(String sSourceLib,
String sSourceFile,
String sSourceMbr,
String sSourceHost,
String sTargetLib,
String sTargetFile,
String sTargetName,
String sTargetHost,
boolean isSourceFile,
boolean processCmdLineParm,
boolean withPrompt)
Copy a data or source file member on the iSeries. |
int |
copyObj(String sSourceLib,
String sSourceName,
String sSourceType,
String sTargetLib,
String sTargetName,
boolean processCmdLineParm,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Copy an object on the iSeries. |
int |
createMessageDescription(IQSYSMessageFile parent,
String library,
String msgFileName)
Create a new message file in the specified library with the specified name. |
int |
crtRemoteObject(Object parentObject,
String parentObjectName,
ISystemTree tree,
String newObjectName,
String sCmdString)
Create a remote object, such as a library, file or member. |
int |
delete(IQSYSResource objectToDelete,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Physically delete the iSeries object represented by the given data element. |
QSYSObjectCacheHandler |
getCacheHandler(QSYSObjectSubSystem subsystem)
Returns cache handler for the specified subsystem |
int |
Return the number of messages issued by last remote command |
ISeriesMessage[] |
Return all the messages issued by the last remote command |
ISeriesMessage |
Get the first last message issued by running a remote command |
int |
mergeSource(IQSYSSourceMember mbrToMerge,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run Mrgsrc. |
int |
moveMbr(String sSourceLib,
String sSourceFile,
String sSourceMbr,
String sSourceHost,
String sTargetLib,
String sTargetFile,
String sTargetName,
String sTargetHost,
boolean isSourceFile,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Move a member from one file to another on the iSeries. |
int |
moveObj(String sSourceLib,
String sSourceName,
String sSourceType,
String sTargetLib,
String sTargetName,
boolean processCmdLineParm,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Move an object from one library to another on the iSeries. |
int |
rename(IQSYSResource objectToRename,
String sNewName,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Rename a remote object on the iseries. |
int |
reorderLibraryList(String[] cmds,
String movedLib,
ISystemTree tree,
ISystemFilterReference parentFilter)
Make a change to reorder the library list: move a library up or down or to a new position All these actions require multiple commands to achieve |
int |
restore(QSYSHostObject objectToRestore,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run Restore. |
int |
restoreLib(IQSYSSaveFile libToRestore,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run RSTLIB command for SAVF |
int |
restoreObj(IQSYSSaveFile objToRestore,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run RSTOBJ command for SAVF |
int |
save(QSYSHostObject objectToSave,
boolean processCmdLineParm)
Run Save. |
void |
setCommandSubSystem(QSYSCommandSubSystem cmdSubSystem)
Set the command subsystem in which to run commands. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final String Copyright
public static final int CMD_CANCELED
Constructor Detail |
public QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell)
public QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell, QSYSCommandSubSystem cmdSubsystem)
public QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell, boolean bUpdateTreeView)
public QSYSNfsCommandHandler(Shell shell, boolean bUpdateTreeView, boolean bUpdateTableView)
Method Detail |
public void setCommandSubSystem(QSYSCommandSubSystem cmdSubSystem)
public int changeLibraryList(String cmd, String newLib, ISystemTree tree, ISystemFilterReference selectedFilter)
- The ADDLIBLE, RMVLIBLE or CHGCURLIB command to runnewLib
- The name of the library being added (so we can select it)tree
- The RSE view from which this was run. OptionalselectedFilter
- The selected libl filter this was run from. Optional.
public int copyLib(String sSourceLib, String sTargetLib, boolean processCmdLineParm, IProgressMonitor monitor)
- - name of library to be copied.sTargetLib
- - new name for the new library copy.
public int reorderLibraryList(String[] cmds, String movedLib, ISystemTree tree, ISystemFilterReference parentFilter)
- The RMVLIBLE and ADDLIBLE commands to runnewLib
- The name of the library being moved (so we can re-select it)tree
- The RSE view from which this was run. OptionalparentFilter
- The parent libl filter this was run from children of. Optional.
public int delete(IQSYSResource objectToDelete, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int getNumberOfReturnMessages()
public int rename(IQSYSResource objectToRename, String sNewName, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public ISeriesMessage[] getReturnMessages()
public ISeriesMessage getReturnMsg()
public int changeObject(QSYSHostObject objectToChange, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int changeDescription(IQSYSResource element, String sNewDescription)
public int changeType(IQSYSResource objectToChange, String sNewType)
public int copyFile(QSYSHostObject objectToCopy, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int copyMbr(String sSourceLib, String sSourceFile, String sSourceMbr, String sSourceHost, String sTargetLib, String sTargetFile, String sTargetName, String sTargetHost, boolean isSourceFile, boolean processCmdLineParm, boolean withPrompt)
- - name of library containing member to be copied.sSourceFile
- - name of file containing member to be copied.sSourceMbr
- - name of member to be copied.sTargetLib
- - name of library to copy member into.sTargetFile
- - name to file to copy member into.sTargetName
- - new name to assign to the new copy of the member.isSourceFile
- - true if the member is a source member, false if it is a data member.processCmdLineParm
- - true if the command line input should be treated as parameters.withPrompt
- - Prompt the command first. If true, caller should check for cancel return.
public int copyObj(String sSourceLib, String sSourceName, String sSourceType, String sTargetLib, String sTargetName, boolean processCmdLineParm, IProgressMonitor monitor)
- - name of library containing object to be copied.sSourceName
- - name of object to be copied.sSourceType
- - type of object to be copied.sTargetLib
- - name of library to copy object into.sTargetName
- - new name to assign to the new copy of the object.
public int crtRemoteObject(Object parentObject, String parentObjectName, ISystemTree tree, String newObjectName, String sCmdString)
- The actual object selected when this request happenedparentObjectName
- The fully qualified name of the parent container for this new object. Is used to refresh all occurrences of that parent.tree
- The RSE view from which this was run. OptionalnewObject
- The fully qualified name of the object being added (so we can select it)cmd
- The ADDxxx or CRTxxx command to run.
public int mergeSource(IQSYSSourceMember mbrToMerge, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int moveMbr(String sSourceLib, String sSourceFile, String sSourceMbr, String sSourceHost, String sTargetLib, String sTargetFile, String sTargetName, String sTargetHost, boolean isSourceFile, boolean processCmdLineParm)
then issuing a RMVM remote command.
- - name of library containing member to be moved.sSourceFile
- - name of file containing member to be moved.sSourceMbr
- - name of member to be moved.sTargetLib
- - name of library to move member into.sTargetFile
- - name to file to move member into.sTargetName
- - new name to assign to the moved member.isSourceFile
- - true if the member is a source member, false if it is a data member.
public int moveObj(String sSourceLib, String sSourceName, String sSourceType, String sTargetLib, String sTargetName, boolean processCmdLineParm, IProgressMonitor monitor)
- - name of library containing object to be moved.sSourceName
- - name of object to be moved.sSourceType
- - type of object to be moved.sTargetLib
- - name of library to move object into.sTargetName
- - new name to assign to the moved object.
public int restore(QSYSHostObject objectToRestore, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int restoreLib(IQSYSSaveFile libToRestore, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int restoreObj(IQSYSSaveFile objToRestore, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int save(QSYSHostObject objectToSave, boolean processCmdLineParm)
public int changeMessageDescription(IQSYSMessageDescription msgd)
public int createMessageDescription(IQSYSMessageFile parent, String library, String msgFileName)
public QSYSObjectCacheHandler getCacheHandler(QSYSObjectSubSystem subsystem)
Rational Developer for Power Systems Software V7.6 |