Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Interface ISystemCommunicationsDaemonHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
CODECommIntegrationHandler, RSEInteractiveJobHandler

public interface ISystemCommunicationsDaemonHandler

This interface allows any class to use the RSE communications daemon to accept socket requests from a remote function. When a the RSE communications daemon accepts a socket request it reads the first 4 bytes, converts this to an integer and compares the integer against all registered ISystemCommunicationDaemonListeners, handing the socket off to the first match.

Field Summary
static String copyright
Method Summary
 void handleRequest(Socket socket, int requestKey)
          The handleRequest method is invoked by the RSE communications daemon when a new socket connection is established and the requestKey matches for this handler.

Field Detail


static final String copyright
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void handleRequest(Socket socket,
                   int requestKey)
The handleRequest method is invoked by the RSE communications daemon when a new socket connection is established and the requestKey matches for this handler. The handleRequest method will be invoked on a new thread.

It is the implementors responsability to close the socket and clean up all associated resources (like the InputStream) when finished.

socket - The communications socket connected to the remote peer. The only thing read of the socket will have been the request key.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.