Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class SelectQSYSAndRemoteObjectAPIProvider

  extended by SystemAbstractAPIProvider
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.view.SelectQSYSAndRemoteObjectAPIProvider

public class SelectQSYSAndRemoteObjectAPIProvider
extends SystemAbstractAPIProvider

This class is a provider of root nodes to the remote systems tree viewer part, optimized for selecting of iSeries QSYS file system objects and files on remote file systems. It is used in the ISeriesSelectQSYSAndRemoteFileOrFolderForm class.

It allows setting of an object filter string that is used to subset the object list by name and/or type, independent of the libraries. That is, a user might start by seeing a list of libraries on the library list, but when each is expanded the objects returned are subsetted by that object filter.

Field Summary
protected  ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller
protected  SystemNewConnectionPromptObject connPrompt
protected  Object[] connPromptAsArray
protected  String filterString
protected  String filterSuffix
protected  ISeriesFieldFilterString fldListFilterString
protected  String fldNameFilter
protected  IHost[] inputConnections
protected  ISystemFilter[] iSeriesQuickFilters
protected  boolean listConnectionsMode
protected  String mbrNameFilter
protected  String[] mbrTypesFilter
protected  ISeriesMemberFilterString memberListFilterString
protected  boolean multiConnections
protected  ISeriesObjectFilterString objectListFilterString
protected  String objNameFilter
protected  String[] objTypesFilter
protected  String preSelectFilterChild
protected  Object preSelectFilterChildObject
protected  boolean rcdOrFldMode
protected  ISystemFilter[] remoteQuickFilters
protected  boolean showNewConnectionPrompt
protected  boolean showWorkspaceFolder
protected  boolean singleConnectionMode
protected  SubSystem subsystem
protected  ISystemViewElementAdapter subsystemAdapter
protected  String[] subsystemFactoryCategories
protected  IRSESystemType[] systemTypes
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ISystemFilter createFilterByPrompting(ISystemFilter filterPrompt, Shell shell)
          Prompt the user to create a new filter as a result of the user expanding a promptable transient filter
 String decorateFilterString(Object selectedObject, String inputFilterString)
          Adorn filter string with any relative attributes requested.
 boolean filtersNeedDecoration(Object selectedObject)
          For performance reasons, pre-check to see if filter decoration is even necessary...
protected  ISystemViewElementAdapter getAdapter(Object o)
          Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given object.
 Object[] getConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
          This method is called by the connection adapter when the user expands a connection.
protected  Object[] getConnections()
          Return the connections appropriate for our subsystem factory ID or category requirements.
 String getFieldFilterStringUsingNameFilter(String library, String file, String rcdToExpand)
          Return the filter string for resolving children of a record, using pre-supplied field name filtering criteria
 String getMemberFilterStringUsingNameAndTypeFilter(String library, String fileToExpand)
          Return the filter string for resolving children of a file, using pre-supplied member name and type filtering criteria
 String getObjectFilterStringUsingNameAndTypeFilter(String libraryToExpand)
          Return the filter string for resolving children of a library, using pre-supplied object name and type filtering criteria
 String getPreSelectFilterChild()
          Get the name of the item to select when the first filter is expanded.
 Object getPreSelectFilterChildObject()
          Get the actual object of the item to select when the first filter is expanded.
protected  ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter(Object o)
          Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given object.
 boolean getShowWorkspaceFolder()
          Returns whether the workspace folder will be shown under Local connections.
protected  ISubSystem[] getSubSystems(IHost selectedConnection)
          Given a connection, return the subsystem(s) appropriate for the given factories.
 Object[] getSystemViewRoots()
          Return the children objects to consistute the root elements in the system view tree.
 boolean hasConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
          This method is called by the connection adapter when deciding to show a plus-sign or not beside a connection.
 boolean hasSystemViewRoots()
          Return true if getSystemViewRoots() will return a non-empty list
 boolean isRecordAndFieldMode()
          Query if this is a special mode for listing records or fields.
protected  Object[] resolveFilterString(ISubSystem subsystem, String filterString)
          Return the result of asking a given subsystem to resolve a filter string
 void setCaller(ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller)
          Set the caller to callback to for some events, such as the expansion of a prompting transient filter.
 void setFieldNameFilter(String fldNameFilter)
          Set the name use to filter fields when a record is expanded.
 void setFilterString(String string)
          Set the filter string to use to resolve the inputs.
 void setISeriesQuickFilters(ISystemFilter[] filters)
          Set the iSeries quick filters to be exposed to the user.
 void setMemberNameAndTypeFilter(String mbrNameFilter, String[] mbrTypesFilter)
          Set the name and type to use to filter members when a file is expanded.
 void setObjectNameAndTypeFilter(String objNameFilter, String[] objTypesFilter)
          Set the name and type to use to filter objects when a library is expanded.
 void setPreSelectFilterChild(String name)
          Set child of the first filter to preselect
 void setPreSelectFilterChildObject(Object obj)
          Set actual child object of the first filter to preselect.
 void setRecordAndFieldMode(boolean set)
          Specify this is a special mode for listing records or fields.
 void setRemoteQuickFilters(ISystemFilter[] filters)
          Set the iSeries quick filters to be exposed to the user.
 void setShowNewConnectionPrompt(boolean show)
          Specify whether the user should see the "New Connection..." special connection prompt
 void setShowWorkspaceFolder(boolean showWorkspaceFolder)
          Show the workspace folder under Local connections, or not.
 void setSystemConnection(IHost connection, boolean onlyMode)
          Default or Restrict to a specific connection.
 void setSystemTypes(IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
          Specify system types to restrict what types of connections the user can create, and see.
 boolean showActionBar()
          Return true to show the action bar (ie, toolbar) above the viewer.
 boolean showActions()
          Return true to show right-click popup actions on objects in the tree.
 boolean showButtonBar()
          Return true to show the button bar above the viewer.
 boolean showingConnections()
          Return true if we are listing connections or not, so we know whether we are interested in connection-add events
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected SubSystem subsystem


protected String filterString


protected ISystemViewElementAdapter subsystemAdapter


protected boolean listConnectionsMode


protected boolean showNewConnectionPrompt


protected boolean singleConnectionMode


protected String[] subsystemFactoryCategories


protected String filterSuffix


protected IRSESystemType[] systemTypes


protected String preSelectFilterChild


protected Object preSelectFilterChildObject


protected ISystemFilter[] iSeriesQuickFilters


protected ISystemFilter[] remoteQuickFilters


protected IHost[] inputConnections


protected SystemNewConnectionPromptObject connPrompt


protected Object[] connPromptAsArray


protected ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller


protected boolean multiConnections


protected ISeriesObjectFilterString objectListFilterString


protected String objNameFilter


protected String[] objTypesFilter


protected ISeriesMemberFilterString memberListFilterString


protected String mbrNameFilter


protected String[] mbrTypesFilter


protected ISeriesFieldFilterString fldListFilterString


protected String fldNameFilter


protected boolean rcdOrFldMode


protected boolean showWorkspaceFolder
Constructor Detail


public SelectQSYSAndRemoteObjectAPIProvider()

Method Detail


public void setCaller(ISystemSelectRemoteObjectAPIProviderCaller caller)
Set the caller to callback to for some events, such as the expansion of a prompting transient filter.


public void setShowNewConnectionPrompt(boolean show)
Specify whether the user should see the "New Connection..." special connection prompt


public void setSystemTypes(IRSESystemType[] systemTypes)
Specify system types to restrict what types of connections the user can create, and see. This will override subsystemFactoryId,if that has been set!

See Also:


public void setSystemConnection(IHost connection,
                                boolean onlyMode)
Default or Restrict to a specific connection. If default mode, it is preselected. If only mode, it is the only connection listed.

connection - The connection to default or restrict to
onlyMode - true if this is to be the only connection shown in the list


public void setFilterString(String string)
Set the filter string to use to resolve the inputs. If this is an absolute filter string, it gets turned into a quick filter string, so that the user sees it and can expand it. If it is a relative filter string to apply to all expansions, it is used to decorate all filtering as the user drills down.


public void setISeriesQuickFilters(ISystemFilter[] filters)
Set the iSeries quick filters to be exposed to the user. These will be shown to the user when they expand a connection.

See Also:


public void setRemoteQuickFilters(ISystemFilter[] filters)
Set the iSeries quick filters to be exposed to the user. These will be shown to the user when they expand a connection.

See Also:


public void setPreSelectFilterChild(String name)
Set child of the first filter to preselect


public String getPreSelectFilterChild()
Get the name of the item to select when the first filter is expanded. Called by the filter adapter.


public void setPreSelectFilterChildObject(Object obj)
Set actual child object of the first filter to preselect. Called by the filter adapter once the children are resolved and a match on the name is found.


public Object getPreSelectFilterChildObject()
Get the actual object of the item to select when the first filter is expanded. Called by the GUI form after expansion, so it can select this object


public String decorateFilterString(Object selectedObject,
                                   String inputFilterString)
Adorn filter string with any relative attributes requested. Eg "/nf" for folders only


public boolean filtersNeedDecoration(Object selectedObject)
For performance reasons, pre-check to see if filter decoration is even necessary...


public Object[] getSystemViewRoots()
Return the children objects to consistute the root elements in the system view tree.


public boolean hasSystemViewRoots()
Return true if getSystemViewRoots() will return a non-empty list


public Object[] getConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
This method is called by the connection adapter when the user expands a connection. This method must return the child objects to show for that connection.


public void setShowWorkspaceFolder(boolean showWorkspaceFolder)
Show the workspace folder under Local connections, or not.

showWorkspaceFolder - true to show the workspace folder, false to not show it.


public boolean getShowWorkspaceFolder()
Returns whether the workspace folder will be shown under Local connections.

true if the option to show the workspace folder is on, false otherwise.


public boolean hasConnectionChildren(IHost selectedConnection)
This method is called by the connection adapter when deciding to show a plus-sign or not beside a connection. Return true if this connection has children to be shown.


public boolean showActionBar()
Return true to show the action bar (ie, toolbar) above the viewer. The action bar contains connection actions, predominantly. We return false.


public boolean showButtonBar()
Return true to show the button bar above the viewer. The tool bar contains "Get List" and "Refresh" buttons and is typically shown in dialogs that list only remote system objects. We return false.


public boolean showActions()
Return true to show right-click popup actions on objects in the tree. We return true.


public boolean showingConnections()
Return true if we are listing connections or not, so we know whether we are interested in connection-add events


protected Object[] getConnections()
Return the connections appropriate for our subsystem factory ID or category requirements.


protected ISubSystem[] getSubSystems(IHost selectedConnection)
Given a connection, return the subsystem(s) appropriate for the given factories.


protected Object[] resolveFilterString(ISubSystem subsystem,
                                       String filterString)
Return the result of asking a given subsystem to resolve a filter string


protected ISystemViewElementAdapter getAdapter(Object o)
Returns the implementation of ISystemViewElement for the given object. Returns null if the adapter is not defined or the object is not adaptable.


protected ISystemRemoteElementAdapter getRemoteAdapter(Object o)
Returns the implementation of ISystemRemoteElement for the given object. Returns null if this object does not adaptable to this.


public ISystemFilter createFilterByPrompting(ISystemFilter filterPrompt,
                                             Shell shell)
                                      throws Exception
Prompt the user to create a new filter as a result of the user expanding a promptable transient filter

Simply passes the request on to the caller.


the filter created by the user or null if they cancelled the prompting


public void setRecordAndFieldMode(boolean set)
Specify this is a special mode for listing records or fields. In this mode, when *FILE objects are expanded, records are listed instead of members. Once a record is available it can be expanded to fields.


public boolean isRecordAndFieldMode()
Query if this is a special mode for listing records or fields. In this mode, when *FILE objects are expanded, records are listed instead of members. Once a record is available it can be expanded to fields.


public void setObjectNameAndTypeFilter(String objNameFilter,
                                       String[] objTypesFilter)
Set the name and type to use to filter objects when a library is expanded. Either can be null to mean "all". Each object type filter is of the form "type:attr".


public void setMemberNameAndTypeFilter(String mbrNameFilter,
                                       String[] mbrTypesFilter)
Set the name and type to use to filter members when a file is expanded. Either can be null to mean "all".


public void setFieldNameFilter(String fldNameFilter)
Set the name use to filter fields when a record is expanded. Can be null to mean "all".


public String getObjectFilterStringUsingNameAndTypeFilter(String libraryToExpand)
Return the filter string for resolving children of a library, using pre-supplied object name and type filtering criteria


public String getMemberFilterStringUsingNameAndTypeFilter(String library,
                                                          String fileToExpand)
Return the filter string for resolving children of a file, using pre-supplied member name and type filtering criteria


public String getFieldFilterStringUsingNameFilter(String library,
                                                  String file,
                                                  String rcdToExpand)
Return the filter string for resolving children of a record, using pre-supplied field name filtering criteria

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.