Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.compile

Interface Summary
IBMiCompileXMLConstants Unique xml values for iSeries compile commands
ICompileEditManagerFactory Compile edit manager factory
IIBMiCompileConstants Constants used to support the Compile actions for native source members.

Class Summary
EditManager Internal method for loading the Resource Collectors from the collectorContributor extension point.
IBMiCompileCommandEditPane Refinement of the Compile Command edit pane for ISeries native member compile support.
IBMiCompileUtilities A singleton utility class that provides useful methods related to the entire compilation infrastructure.
IFSCompilableSource Encapsulation of a compilable IFS source file, when the compile command to execute is QSHELL
IFSCompileCommand Specialization of ISeries compile commands for IFS.
IFSCompileCommands This class manages a list of compile commands.
IFSCompileManager Specialization of SystemCompileManager for ISeries IFS compile support
IFSCompileProfile ISeries IFS flavour of the compile profile object, which manages a list of compile types, which in turn manages a list of compile commands per compilable source file type in the IFS.
IFSCompileSubstitutor This class is responsible for doing variable substitution for iSeries QSYS compile commands that act against IFS source files.
IFSCompileSubstList Encapsulation of the substitution variables for IFS folders/files when user selects QSYS command type.
QSYSCompileCommand This class encapsulates, for a particular iSeries compile command, the important information for that command including: The name, as in CRTRPGMOD The default command string with the minimum parameters we need to simply run the command, using substitution variables The default command string with the minimum parameters we need to compile with this command, using substitution variables.
QSYSCompileCommands This class manages a list of compile commands.
QSYSCompileManager Specialization of SystemCompileManager for ISeries native qsys compile support
QSYSCompileProfile ISeries native OS/400 flavour of the compile profile object, which manages a list of compile types, which in turn manages a list of compile commands per compilable source type.
QSYSCompileSubstitutor This class is responsible for doing variable substitution for iSeries compile commands
QSYSCompileSubstList Encapsulation of the compile substitution variables for iSeries members
QSYSErrorMarkerListener This class is used to handle the todo aspect of the error list.
SystemDynamicCompileMenu2 Dynamic Compile Menu.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.