Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.actions.tableview

Class Summary
ISeriesShowCmdTableViewAction This action expands / collapses the command area in the iSeries table view.
ISeriesShowMbrTableViewAction This action display members inside a Table view from a file selected from the Tree view.
ISeriesShowObjTableViewAction This action display objects inside a Table view from a selected item.
ISeriesTableViewAddLiblEntryAction The action allows users to add library to library list
ISeriesTableViewChangeCurLibAction The action allows users to change current library displayed in the Table view
ISeriesTableViewChangeInputAction A cascading menu action for "Work with->" for Table view
ISeriesTableViewGoAction This action allows users to go back down one level in the Table view
ISeriesTableViewHistoryAction This action allows to display a view that was saved in the Work With history
ISeriesTableViewLockAction This action locks the table view so it cannot be changed from treeview
ISeriesTableViewMoveDownLibraryAction The action allows users to move the currently selected library down in the library list from the Table view
ISeriesTableViewMoveLiblEntryAction The action allows users to move library in library list
ISeriesTableViewMoveUpLibraryAction The action allows users to move the currently selected library up in the library list from the Table view
ISeriesTableViewPDMAction This action handles the PDM Options in the pop-up menu
ISeriesTableViewRemoveLiblEntryAction The action allows users to remove the currently selected library from the library list displayed in the Table view
ISeriesTableViewSelectAllAction This action selects all items when control-A is pressed
ISeriesTableViewShowAllAction This action removes the filter and displays all items from a subsetted list
ISeriesTableViewShowColumnsAction This action is used to change the columns displayed in iSeries Table view
ISeriesTableViewShowColumnsCascadingAction A cascading menu action for "Show columns->" for Table view
ISeriesTableViewSubsetAction This action displays the Subset dialog and then calls the view to do the subsetting
ISeriesTableViewWorkWithAction This action invokes one of three Work with dialogs used to change the input to iSeries Table view
ObjTableExportAction This action displays the Export dialog and then exports the table content to the file specified
ObjTablePositionToAction This action displays the Position To dialog and tells the view to do the positioning
ObjTablePrintAction This action displays the Eclipse printer dialog and then prints the contents from the Table view In order to fit all the entries into a landscape mode, the status is not printed and the date is printed in short form.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.