Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class JMCClassSelLocalDlg

  extended by SystemPromptDialog
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.wizards.JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
          extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.wizards.JMCClassSelLocalDlg

public class JMCClassSelLocalDlg
extends JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.wizards.JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
Constructor Summary
JMCClassSelLocalDlg(Shell arg0, String arg1, JMCURLClassLoader classLoader, SortedSet files)
Method Summary
 void generateTreeContents()
          subclasses should call getTreeRoot() and add TreeItems to the provided Tree.
 String getHelpID()
          Returns the msg ID in ISeriesSystemPlugin.plugin to use as f1 help for this page; must NOT return null
protected  int getJMCClassSelDialogType()
          Get the dialog type so that we can properly save/load the files/folders added to the tree
 boolean isDirty()
          flag to see if we need to save
 void populateWithOtherControls(Composite mainComposite)
          Method called after tree is generated so subclasses can add more stuff to mainComposite if they want to
 void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent se)
          Figure out which dialog to open
Methods inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.wizards.JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
addFileToTree, addFileToTree, buttonPressed, createInner, getInitialFocusControl, getSelectedClass, open, update, widgetDefaultSelected
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JMCClassSelLocalDlg(Shell arg0,
                           String arg1,
                           JMCURLClassLoader classLoader,
                           SortedSet files)
Method Detail


public void generateTreeContents()
Description copied from class: JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
subclasses should call getTreeRoot() and add TreeItems to the provided Tree. Call addZipFileContents(String absoluteZipFileLoc, TreeItem zipFileTI, int swtStyle) or addDirectoryContents(File directory, TreeItem directoryTI, int swtStyle, boolean useFullDirName) or addFileToTree(File f, boolean useFullPathName) to add the tree items

Specified by:
generateTreeContents in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog


public String getHelpID()
Description copied from class: JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
Returns the msg ID in ISeriesSystemPlugin.plugin to use as f1 help for this page; must NOT return null

Specified by:
getHelpID in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog


protected int getJMCClassSelDialogType()
Description copied from class: JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
Get the dialog type so that we can properly save/load the files/folders added to the tree

Specified by:
getJMCClassSelDialogType in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog


public void populateWithOtherControls(Composite mainComposite)
Description copied from class: JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
Method called after tree is generated so subclasses can add more stuff to mainComposite if they want to

Specified by:
populateWithOtherControls in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from class: JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog
flag to see if we need to save

Specified by:
isDirty in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog


public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent se)
Figure out which dialog to open

widgetSelected in class JMCAbstractClassSelectionDialog

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.