Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class ISeriesEditorPromptViewer

  extended by Viewer
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.views.ISeriesEditorPromptViewer
All Implemented Interfaces:
IISeriesEditorConstantsPrompt, IISeriesEditorPromptChangeListener

public class ISeriesEditorPromptViewer
extends Viewer
implements IISeriesEditorConstantsPrompt, IISeriesEditorPromptChangeListener

This class displays the content of the prompt view. The content is defined in an XML file, and is made up of one or more pages. One page is displayed at at time.

Nested Class Summary
 class ISeriesEditorPromptViewer.Debouncer
          This class debounces change notifications from the DDS model and refreshes the editor.
Field Summary
protected  Action _actionDisableSyntaxChecking
protected  Action _actionDisableView
protected  Action _actionInsertMode
protected  IISeriesEditorPromptAdapter _adapter
protected  ISeriesEditorSyntaxError[] _aSyntaxErrors
protected  boolean _bApplyOrRevertPressed
protected  Button _buttonApply
protected  Button _buttonRevert
protected  ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventPending
protected  ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventProcessed
protected  ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventReceived
protected  Combo _comboPromptType
protected  Composite _compositeClient
protected  Composite _compositeFields
protected  Composite _compositeParent
protected  Composite _compositePrompt
protected  Control _controlLastFocus
protected  ISeriesEditorPromptViewer.Debouncer _debouncer
protected  Font _font
protected  int _iElementNumber
protected  int _iIndexPageCurrent
protected  Label _labelFormatLine
protected  Label _labelLine
protected  List _listSyntaxErrors
protected  Object _objaInput
protected  ISeriesEditorPromptGroup _pageGroupCurrent
protected  Rectangle _rectBounds
protected  String _strElementCurrent
protected static String _strEmpty
protected  StringBuffer _stringBuffer
protected  String _strPromptId
protected  IISeriesEditorSyntaxChecker _syntaxChecker
protected  ISeriesEditorViewport _viewport
static String copyright
Fields inherited from interface com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.IISeriesEditorConstantsPrompt
Constructor Summary
ISeriesEditorPromptViewer(Composite compositeParent, IISeriesEditorPromptAdapter adapter, Action actionCreateNewLine, Action actionDisableView, Action actionDisableSyntaxChecking)
Method Summary
protected  void clearFields()
          Sets the text field values to an empty string.
protected  Control createControl(Composite compositeParent)
          Create the controls for this view.
protected  void createField(Composite compositeParent, ISeriesEditorPromptFieldData data, int iMaxLineLength)
          Creates a composite with a label and either a combo box, or text field under it.
protected  void createPromptComposite()
          Creates the composite with a child composite for the fields and one for the format line and current line.
protected  void doCopy()
          Perform copy action for currently selected text or combo box field.
protected  void doPaste()
          Perform copy action for currently selected text or combo box field.
protected  void ensureVisible(Composite composite)
          Ensures that the field that the user has tabbed to is within the visible part of the client area.
 void fieldChanged()
          Called whenever a field changes its value.
 void focusGained(FocusEvent event)
          Emulates replace mode behaviour for a text field by selecting one character when the text field gains focus.
 void focusLost(FocusEvent event)
 Control getControl()
          Method declared on Viewer.
protected  String getFieldHelpID(Control control)
          Returns the help identifier string for the field widget.
protected  Font getFont()
          Returns the editor's current font.
 Object getInput()
          Method declared on Viewer.
protected  String getLineFromFieldValues()
          Reconstitutes a line to be placed into the editor from the individual fields.
 ISelection getSelection()
          Method declared on Viewer.
 void helpRequested(HelpEvent hEvent)
          The F1 key has been pressed on a control inside this view.
 void keyPressed(KeyEvent kEvent)
          Does nothing.
 void keyReleased(KeyEvent kEvent)
          For text fields, when the caret moves because of a key press, ensure that the caret and characters around it are visible by scrolling the viewport.
 void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent event)
          Handles traversal between controls via the Tab and Backtab keys.
 void modifyText(ModifyEvent mEvent)
          Called whenever a text field has been modified.
protected  void processChangeEvent(ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent event)
          Called by the refresh timer after debouncing change events.
 void promptChange(ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent event)
          Method declared on IISeriesEditorPromptChangeListener.
 void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
          Called when any of the toolbar items are toggled.
 void refresh()
          Refreshes this viewer completely, getting new contents for the input from the content provider.
 void setEnabled(boolean bEnabled)
          Enables / disables the view.
protected  boolean setFieldValuesFromLine(String strLine)
          Sets the line of text.
protected  void setFocusToFieldFromPosition(int iPosition, int iLength)
protected  void setFocusToFirstField()
          Sets the focus to the first field.
 void setInput(Object newInput)
          The PropertySheetViewer implementation of this method declared on Viewer method sets the objects for which the viewer is currently showing properties.
protected  void setLineLabelText(String strText)
          Windows takes an ampersand/letter with an underscored letter.
protected  void setPromptType(String strPromptId)
          Sets the prompt page to be displayed.
 void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal)
          Method declared on Viewer.
protected  void showBlankPage()
          Displays a blank prompt page
protected  boolean showPage(String strPageId)
          Displays the page with the given name.
protected  boolean showPromptTypes()
          Populates the drop down combo with the list of specification types.
protected  void showSyntaxErrorMessages(int iElementNumber)
          Do syntax checking if disable syntax checking toolbar button is disabled
 void terminate()
          Called by the page book view when the page is being disposed.
 void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent sEvent)
          Does nothing.
 void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent sEvent)
          Called when combo box selection occurs.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String copyright
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static String _strEmpty


protected Action _actionDisableSyntaxChecking


protected Action _actionDisableView


protected Action _actionInsertMode


protected Button _buttonApply


protected Button _buttonRevert


protected Combo _comboPromptType


protected Control _controlLastFocus


protected Composite _compositeClient


protected Composite _compositeFields


protected Composite _compositeParent


protected Composite _compositePrompt


protected ISeriesEditorPromptViewer.Debouncer _debouncer


protected Font _font


protected IISeriesEditorPromptAdapter _adapter


protected IISeriesEditorSyntaxChecker _syntaxChecker


protected ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventProcessed


protected ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventPending


protected ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent _changeEventReceived


protected ISeriesEditorPromptGroup _pageGroupCurrent


protected ISeriesEditorSyntaxError[] _aSyntaxErrors


protected ISeriesEditorViewport _viewport


protected Label _labelFormatLine


protected Label _labelLine


protected List _listSyntaxErrors


protected Object _objaInput


protected Rectangle _rectBounds


protected String _strElementCurrent


protected String _strPromptId


protected StringBuffer _stringBuffer


protected int _iIndexPageCurrent


protected int _iElementNumber


protected boolean _bApplyOrRevertPressed
Constructor Detail


public ISeriesEditorPromptViewer(Composite compositeParent,
                                 IISeriesEditorPromptAdapter adapter,
                                 Action actionCreateNewLine,
                                 Action actionDisableView,
                                 Action actionDisableSyntaxChecking)

Method Detail


protected void clearFields()
Sets the text field values to an empty string.


protected Control createControl(Composite compositeParent)
Create the controls for this view.


protected void createField(Composite compositeParent,
                           ISeriesEditorPromptFieldData data,
                           int iMaxLineLength)
Creates a composite with a label and either a combo box, or text field under it. The widgets are center aligned. If the string array is not null and its length is greater than zero, then a combo box is created. Otherwise, a text field is created. The widget of the text field is based upon the character length.


protected void createPromptComposite()
Creates the composite with a child composite for the fields and one for the format line and current line.


protected void ensureVisible(Composite composite)
Ensures that the field that the user has tabbed to is within the visible part of the client area.


public void fieldChanged()
Called whenever a field changes its value. In replace mode, the line reconstitued from the field widgets is compared to the original line. If the line is the same, the apply and cancel buttons are disabled. Otherwise the buttons are enabled. Nothing is done in insert mode.


public void focusGained(FocusEvent event)
Emulates replace mode behaviour for a text field by selecting one character when the text field gains focus.


public void focusLost(FocusEvent event)


public Control getControl()
Method declared on Viewer. Returns the primary control associated with this viewer.


protected String getFieldHelpID(Control control)
Returns the help identifier string for the field widget. For drop down combos,


protected Font getFont()
Returns the editor's current font.


public Object getInput()
Method declared on Viewer.


protected String getLineFromFieldValues()
Reconstitutes a line to be placed into the editor from the individual fields.


public ISelection getSelection()
Method declared on Viewer.


public void helpRequested(HelpEvent hEvent)
The F1 key has been pressed on a control inside this view.


public void keyPressed(KeyEvent kEvent)
Does nothing.


public void keyReleased(KeyEvent kEvent)
For text fields, when the caret moves because of a key press, ensure that the caret and characters around it are visible by scrolling the viewport.


public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent event)
Handles traversal between controls via the Tab and Backtab keys. 6.0.1 ES - removed since it violates accessiblity


public void modifyText(ModifyEvent mEvent)
Called whenever a text field has been modified.


public void promptChange(ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent event)
Method declared on IISeriesEditorPromptChangeListener. The user has moved the cursor to a new line. The event contains the prompt page identifier, the line number, and the line text. The prompt view displays the prompt page, and sets the field content to the text in the line.

Specified by:
promptChange in interface IISeriesEditorPromptChangeListener


protected void processChangeEvent(ISeriesEditorPromptChangeEvent event)
Called by the refresh timer after debouncing change events.


public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Called when any of the toolbar items are toggled.


public void refresh()
Refreshes this viewer completely, getting new contents for the input from the content provider.


public void setEnabled(boolean bEnabled)
Enables / disables the view. This is called from the disable view action.


protected boolean setFieldValuesFromLine(String strLine)
Sets the line of text. The field values are set with the content of the line.


protected void setFocusToFieldFromPosition(int iPosition,
                                           int iLength)


protected void setFocusToFirstField()
Sets the focus to the first field.


public void setInput(Object newInput)
The PropertySheetViewer implementation of this method declared on Viewer method sets the objects for which the viewer is currently showing properties.

The input must be an Object[] or null.

input - the input of this viewer, or null if none


protected void setLineLabelText(String strText)
Windows takes an ampersand/letter with an underscored letter. This method Replaces ampersand characters with a double ampersand so that underscores do not appear in the label.


protected void setPromptType(String strPromptId)
Sets the prompt page to be displayed. The page is displayed.


public void setSelection(ISelection selection,
                         boolean reveal)
Method declared on Viewer. Does nothing.


protected void showBlankPage()
Displays a blank prompt page


protected boolean showPage(String strPageId)
Displays the page with the given name. An XML page element is searched for using the given name. The page's field widgets are created and displayed.


protected boolean showPromptTypes()
Populates the drop down combo with the list of specification types.


protected void showSyntaxErrorMessages(int iElementNumber)
Do syntax checking if disable syntax checking toolbar button is disabled


public void terminate()
Called by the page book view when the page is being disposed. The prompt change listeners are removed from the adapter.


public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent sEvent)
Does nothing.


public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent sEvent)
Called when combo box selection occurs.


protected void doCopy()
Perform copy action for currently selected text or combo box field.

WDSc 5.1.2


protected void doPaste()
Perform copy action for currently selected text or combo box field.

WDSc 5.1.2

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.