Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Package com.ibm.etools.iseries.edit.verifiers.comm.bridge

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ADEControlBlock This class corresponds to the CODE comm ADE_CB structure.
CheckObjectFunction This class contains the code to handle the CODE communications bridge checkObject function call.
CHKOUTStruct This class represents the CODE communications CHKOUT structure used by the VDECheckObject (rseCheckObject) api.
CODECommFunctions This class contains the implementation for all RSE <-> CODE tool integration function calls.
CODECommIntegrationHandler This class handles communications requests for the CODE communications bridge.
CommBridgeStaticHelpers Static helper methods for the CODE communications bridge
DataConversionStaticHelpers This class contains static methods for converting Java data types to the corresponding C data types.
DBOUTStruct This class encapsulates the CODE comm DBOUT structure.
EDCODEStruct This class corresponds to the CODE comm EDCODE struct defined in evfcsys.h typedef struct _EDCODE { CHAR codeId; // Code identifier CHAR leading[32]; // Leading static field CHAR integer[32]; // Integer part of edit word CHAR decimalSeparator; // Decimal pointer separator CHAR decimalWord[32]; // Decimal part of edit word CHAR zeroChar1; // Zero suppressed character CHAR positive[32]; // Positive right static field CHAR negative[32]; // Negative right static field CHAR trailing[32]; // Trailing static field CHAR zeroChar2; // Zero suppressed character CHAR floating[16]; // Floating string } EDCODE; // User defined edit code
EDOUT2Struct This class corresponds to the CODE comm EDCODE struct defined in evfcsys.h typedef struct { SHORT count; // number of user defined codes CHAR currencySymbol; // Currency symbol CHAR systemDate[6]; // Date format CHAR decimalSeparator; // Decimal separator CHAR dateSeparator; // Date separator CHAR timeSeparator; // Time separator CHAR userId[11]; // User identifier CHAR jobDescription[11]; // Profile job description CHAR jobLibrary[11]; // Profile job library EDCODE editCode[5]; // User defined edit code } EDOUT2; // Edit code struct for request = 3
FDINStruct This class corresponds to the CODE comm FDIN struct defined in evfcsys.h typedef struct { CHAR library[11]; Data base library name CHAR file[11]; Data base file name CHAR record[11]; Data base record name CHAR field[11]; Data base field name CHAR valCheck; Data base validity check } FDIN;
FDKWDStruct This class corresponds to the CODE comm FDKWD struct defined in evfcsys.h typedef struct { SHORT length; Length of keyword parameters SHORT numParameter; number of parameters SHORT id; keyword identifier List of keyword parameters } FDKWD; This structure is then following by a list of all associated parameters, each parameter separated from the next one by a null terminator.
FDOUTStruct This class corresponds to the CODE comm FDOUT struct defined in evfcsys.h typedef struct { SHORT fieldType; Field type SHORT fieldLength; Field length SHORT decimal; Decimal position CHAR dattimfmt; Date/Time Format CHAR dattimsep; Date/Time Separator CHAR recName[11]; Record name CHAR libName[11]; Actual library name CHAR precision; float precision (E or D) CHAR dataType; Data type CHAR refShift; Reference shift CHAR usage; Usage CHAR alias[31]; Alias CHAR heading1[21]; Column heading 1 CHAR heading2[21]; Column heading 2 CHAR heading3[21]; Column heading 3 CHAR text[51]; Text CHAR code; Edit code CHAR padding; Padding CHARacter CHAR editWord[256]; Edit word CHAR reserved; Filler USHORT editLength; Edit word length USHORT allocLen; Allocated length USHORT ccsid; CCSID for field USHORT checkFlags; Validity check keywords USHORT igcFlags; IGC bits USHORT dtFlags; Date/Time bits USHORT typeFlags; Field type flags USHORT numKeyword; Number of validity check keywords } FDOUT;
ISeriesCODEMemberTransfer This class handles iSeries member downloads for the classic CODE tools.
ISeriesFieldCache A local cache used by the CODE comm bridge for caching field lists.
ISeriesIFSCacheFile A stub class to used by the CODE comm bridge to check if an IFS file is available from the Remote Systems Temp Project in offline mode.
ISeriesLibraryCache CODE comm bridge cache for libraries.
ISeriesObjectCache A local cache used by the CODE comm bridge for caching ISeriesFile objects.
ISeriesRecordCache A local cache used by the CODE comm bridge for caching records and record lists.
JavaToCOutputStream The JavaToCOutputStream handles conversions from Java datatypes to C datatypes.
LSFIELDStruct This class encapsulates the CODE communications structure LSFIELD.
LSRECStruct This class does represent any specific CODE communications structure.
RSEOpenGet Class to encapsulate the code to handle the CODE communications bridge request rseOpenGet.
RSEOpenGetIFS Class to encapsulate the code to handle the CODE communications bridge request rseOpenGetIFS.
RSEOpenList Class to encapsulate the code to handle the CODE communications bridge request rseOpenList
SSTRECVARStruct Java class to emulate the SSTRECVAR C struct for the CODE communications bridge.

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.