Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Class ISeriesJobFilterString

  extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.comm.filters.ISeriesAbstractFilterString
      extended by com.ibm.etools.iseries.comm.filters.ISeriesJobFilterString

public class ISeriesJobFilterString
extends ISeriesAbstractFilterString

A class representing an AS/400 Job filter string. This is a name pattern for returning lists of AS/400 Jobs when used as input to the JobMiner class. Getting a list of jobs requires the name pattern for the jobs ( a three part name: name/ user/ number) to use in subsetting the list. All this information can be specified by calling setName(String), setNumber(String) and the setUser(String) methods. Valid generic names are names with one or two asterisks anywhere in the name, as in: ABC* or *ABC or A*C *ABC* or *A*C or A*C* To get the actual filter string back from objects of this class, just call toString().

Field Summary
static String ALL
static String copyright
static String CURRENT_USER
Fields inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.comm.filters.ISeriesAbstractFilterString
Copyright, WILDCARD
Constructor Summary
          Constructor to use when there is no existing filter string.
ISeriesJobFilterString(String input)
          Constructor to use when filter string already exists.
Method Summary
 boolean getActiveStatus()
          Returns true when ONLY Active state Jobs are selected
 boolean getAnyStatus()
          Returns true when all job states are selected.
 String getCurrUser()
          Return the Current User name to filter on.
 boolean getJobqStatus()
          Returns true when ONLY JOBQ state Jobs are selected
 String getName()
          Return the job name part of this filter string.
 String getNumber()
          Return the job name part of this filter string.
 boolean getOutqStatus()
          Returns true when ONLY OUTQ state Jobs are selected
 String getSubSys()
          Return the Sub System name to filter on.
 String getUser()
          Return the job name part of this filter string.
 boolean isGeneric()
          Returns true if current filter represents a generic name versus a scalar name.
 boolean isMultiGeneric()
          Returns true if current filter represents a generic name that has more than one generic name part.
 void setActiveStatus()
          Select ONLY Active state jobs
 void setAnyStatus()
          Select all/any job states
 void setCurrUser(String obj)
          Set the current user name filter for Active state jobs
 void setJobqStatus()
          Select ONLY Jobq state jobs
 void setName(String obj)
          Set the name part of this filter string.
 void setNumber(String obj)
          Set the number part of this filter string.
 void setOutqStatus()
          Select ONLY Outq state jobs
 void setSubSys(String obj)
          Set the Subsystem name filter for Active state jobs
 void setUser(String obj)
          Set the name part of this filter string.
 String toString()
          Convert this filter into a filter string.
Methods inherited from class com.ibm.etools.iseries.comm.filters.ISeriesAbstractFilterString
addQuotes, clone, countHostOccurrencesOf, countOccurrencesOf, createFilterStringObject, equals, hashCode, hostIndexOf, hostIndexOf, isGenericLibraryName, isGenericName, isQuoted, stripQuotes, verifyGenericName, verifyGenericNameAdvanced, verifyGenericNameAdvancedQuoted, verifyGenericNameQuoted
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String copyright
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CURRENT_USER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ALL
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ISeriesJobFilterString()
Constructor to use when there is no existing filter string.


public ISeriesJobFilterString(String input)
Constructor to use when filter string already exists.

Method Detail


public String getName()
Return the job name part of this filter string.


public String getUser()
Return the job name part of this filter string.


public String getNumber()
Return the job name part of this filter string.


public boolean getAnyStatus()
Returns true when all job states are selected. The individal state queries will return false in this case.


public boolean getActiveStatus()
Returns true when ONLY Active state Jobs are selected


public boolean getJobqStatus()
Returns true when ONLY JOBQ state Jobs are selected


public boolean getOutqStatus()
Returns true when ONLY OUTQ state Jobs are selected


public String getCurrUser()
Return the Current User name to filter on. null if not selected.


public String getSubSys()
Return the Sub System name to filter on. null if not selected.


public void setName(String obj)
Set the name part of this filter string. This can be simple or generic, where generic is a name containing one or two asterisks anywhere in the name.


public void setUser(String obj)
Set the name part of this filter string. This can be simple or generic, where generic is a name containing one or two asterisks anywhere in the name.


public void setNumber(String obj)
Set the number part of this filter string.


public void setCurrUser(String obj)
Set the current user name filter for Active state jobs


public void setSubSys(String obj)
Set the Subsystem name filter for Active state jobs


public void setAnyStatus()
Select all/any job states


public void setActiveStatus()
Select ONLY Active state jobs


public void setJobqStatus()
Select ONLY Jobq state jobs


public void setOutqStatus()
Select ONLY Outq state jobs


public String toString()
Convert this filter into a filter string.

Specified by:
toString in class ISeriesAbstractFilterString


public boolean isGeneric()
Returns true if current filter represents a generic name versus a scalar name. This is true if either the library or the object names are generic. A valid generic name has one or two asterisks anywhere in the name.

Specified by:
isGeneric in class ISeriesAbstractFilterString


public boolean isMultiGeneric()
Returns true if current filter represents a generic name that has more than one generic name part. For example, a multi-generic filter might ask to list all objects that start with A in all libraries that start with B. This returns true if the library name is generic, but not if it is *CURLIB.

Specified by:
isMultiGeneric in class ISeriesAbstractFilterString

Rational Developer for Power Systems Software

Copyright © 2011 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This documentation is for part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.