Class CheckboxFormInput

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CheckboxFormInput
    extends ToggleFormInput
    The CheckboxFormInput class represents a checkbox input type in an HTML form where the checkbox represents an n-of-many choice field. The trailing slash "/" on the CheckboxFormInput tag allows it to conform to the XHTML specification.

    Here is an example of a CheckboxFormInput tag:
    <input type="checkbox" name="uscitizen" value="yes" checked="checked" /> textLabel

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CheckboxFormInput

        public CheckboxFormInput()
        Constructs a default CheckboxFormInput object.
      • CheckboxFormInput

        public CheckboxFormInput(java.lang.String label,
                         boolean checked)
        Constructs a CheckboxFormInput object with the specified viewable text label and initial checked value.
        label - The viewable text label.
        checked - If the checkbox initializes to checked.
      • CheckboxFormInput

        public CheckboxFormInput(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String value,
                         java.lang.String label,
                         boolean checked)
        Constructs a CheckboxFormInput object with the specified control name, initial input value, viewable text label, and initial checked value.
        name - The control name of the input field.
        value - The input value used when the field is submitted.
        label - The viewable text label.
        checked - If the checkbox initializes to checked.
    • Method Detail

      • getFOTag

        public java.lang.String getFOTag()
        Returns a comment tag. This method should not be called. There is no XSL-FO support for this class.
        The comment tag.
      • getTag

        public java.lang.String getTag()
        Returns the tag for the checkbox form input type.
        The tag.