
Provides user profile swapping using IBM i profile token and credential classes.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    The AS400BasicAuthenticationCredential interface defines IBM i credentials that can be exploited by authentication services that rely on basic user and password authentication.
    The AS400BasicAuthenticationPrincipal interface defines IBM i principals that can be exploited by authentication services that rely on basic user and password authentication.
    The AS400CredentialListener interface provides an interface for receiving AS400CredentialEvents.
    The AS400SwappableCredential interface defines IBM i credentials that can be exploited by authentication services to swap the operating system thread identity when running on the local IBM i system.
    The ProfileHandleImpl interface provides the template for classes implementing behavior delegated by a ProfileHandleCredential.
    The ProfileTokenImpl interface provides the template for classes implementing behavior delegated by a ProfileTokenCredential.
    Defines an interface for providing a ProfileTokenCredential to an AS400 object.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Provides an abstract superclass for representations of IBM i system security-related attributes.
    Bean information for the AS400Credential class.
    The AS400CredentialEvent class represents a credential event.
    The AS400Principal class provides an abstract superclass for representations of IBM i system security-related identities.
    Bean information for the AS400Principal class.
    A default implementation of the ProfileTokenProvider interface.
    Represents an IBM i system profile handle.
    Bean information for the ProfileHandleCredential class.
    The ProfileTokenCredential class represents an IBM i system profile token.
    Bean information for the ProfileTokenCredential class.
    Provides utility methods to perform credential swaps for existing remote connections.
    The UserProfilePrincipal class represents an IBM i system user profile.
    Bean information for the UserProfilePrincipal class.
  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    The AS400AuthenticationException class and subclasses represent exceptions issued when errors occur during system authentication.
    The DestroyFailedException class represents an exception issued when error occur when destroying IBM i system authentication information.
    The RefreshFailedException class represents an exception issued when errors occur while refreshing system authentication information.
    The RetrieveFailedException class represents an exception issued when errors occur while retrieving system authentication information.
    The SwapFailedException class represents an exception issued when errors occur while attempting to change thread identity on the IBM i system.

Package Description

Provides user profile swapping using IBM i profile token and credential classes.

These classes interact with the security services provided by IBM i. Specifically, support is provided to authenticate a user identity, sometimes referred to as a principal, and password against the native IBM i user registry. A credential representing the authenticated user can then be established. You can use the credential to alter the identity of the current IBM i thread to perform work under the authorities and permissions of the authenticated user. In effect, this identity swap results in the thread acting as if a sign-on was performed by the authenticated user.

Note: The services to establish and swap credentials are only supported for OS/400 release V4R5M0 or greater.

The AS400 class in the package now provides authentication for a given user profile and password against the IBM i system. You can also retrieve credentials representing authenticated user profiles and passwords for the system. These credentials, known as profile tokens, represent an authenticated user profile and password for a specific system. Profile tokens expire based on time, up to one hour, but can be refreshed in certain cases to provide an extended life span.

Note: While inherently more secure than passing a user profile and password due to limited life span, profile tokens should still be considered sensitive information by the application and handled accordingly. Since the token represents an authenticated user and password, it could potentially be exploited by a hostile application to perform work on behalf of that user. It is ultimately the responsibility of the application to ensure that credentials are accessed in a secure manner.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: