The Integrated File System path of the external AFP (Advanced Function Print) resource.
The format of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/resource.type" where
library is the library that contains the resource, resource is
the name of the resource and type is the resource type. Valid values
for type include "FNTRSC", "FORMDF", "OVL", "PAGSEG", and "PAGDFN".
Specifies the authority that is given to users who do not have specific
authority to the output queue. Valid values are *USE, *ALL, *CHANGE, *EXCLUDE,
For the back side of a piece of paper, it specifies, how far in from
the left side of the page printing starts. The special value *FRONTMGN
will be encoded as -1.
For the back side of a piece of paper, it specifies, how far down from
the top of the page printing starts. The special value *FRONTMGN will be
encoded as -1.
The Integrated File System path of the back overlay or a special value. If the value is an
Integrated File System path it will have the format "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/overlay.OVL" where
library is the library of the resource and overlay is the
name of the overlay.
Valid special values include *FRONTOVL.
The mapping of graphic characters to code points for this spooled file.
If the graphic character set field contains a special value, this field
may contain a zero (0).
Whether this file uses the American National Standards printer control character. The possible values are *NONE for no print control characters are passed in the data that is printed or *FCFC which means that the first character of every record is an American National Standards printer control character.
The reference corner to be used for a corner staple. A staple is driven into the media at the reference corner. Valid values are *NONE, *DEVD, *BOTRIGHT, *TOPRIGHT, *TOPLEFT, and *BOTLEFT.
Specifies the Integrated File System path of the data queue that is associated with the output
queue or "*NONE" if no data queue is associated with the the output queue. The
format of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/dataqueue.DTAQ" where library
is the library that contains the data queue and dataqueue is the name of
the data queue.
For spooled files this is the date the spooled file was opened.
For AFP resources this is the date the object was last modified.
The date is encoded in a character
string with the following format, C YY MM DD.
The date the job ended that created the spooled file on the system. If the Starting spooled file create date field is set to *ALL, then
this field must be set to blanks. If a date has been specified for the Starting spooled file create date field, then this field must be set to a valid date. The date
must be in the CYYMMDD format or be one of the following special values:
*LAST: All spooled files with a create date and time equal to or later than the starting spooled file create date are to be returned.
Date: All spooled files with a create date and time equal to or later than the starting spooled file create date and time and less than or equal to the ending spooled file create date and time are to be returned.
The date format CYYMMDD is defined as follows:
C is the Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx
Indicates the date at which the writer began processing this spooled file. The date is encoded in a character string with the following format, C YY MM DD.
Indicates the date at which the writer began finished this spooled file. The date is encoded in a character string with the following format, C YY MM DD.
The number of double-byte characters to be printed per inch. Valid
values are -1, -2, 5, 6, and 10. The value *CPI is encoded as -1. The value
*CONDENSED is encoded as -2.
The degree of rotation of the text on the page, with respect to the
way the form is loaded into the printer. Valid values are -1, -2, -3, 0,
90, 180, 270. The value *AUTO is encoded as -1, the value *DEVD is encoded
as -2, and the value *COR is encoded as -3.
Whether users who have authority to read this output queue can display
the output data of any output file on this queue or only the data in their
own files. Valid values are *YES, *NO, *OWNER.
Identifies the drawer from which the job and file separator pages are
to be taken. Valid values are -1, -2, 1, 2, 3. The value *FILE is encoded
as -1, and the value *DEVD is encoded as -2.
Where one or more staples are driven into the media along the finishing operation axis. Valid values are *NONE, *DEVD, *BOTTOM, *RIGHT, *TOP, and *LEFT.
Whether an End Writer (ENDWTR) command has been issued for this writer. Possible
values are *NO - no ENDWTR command was issued, *IMMED - the writer ends as soon as its
output buffers are empty, *CTRLD - the writer ends after the current copy of the spooled
file has printed, *PAGEEND - the writer ends at the end of the page.
The size of the envelope in the envelope source. If this field
is not specified or the value is not valid, the special value of *MFRTYPMDL
is used. Valid values are *NONE - there is no envelope source,
*MFRTYPMDL - the envelope size suggested by the manufacturer type
and model is used, *MONARCH (3.875 x 7.5 inches), *NUMBER9 (3.875 x 8.875 inches),
*NUMBER10 (4.125 x 9.5 inches), *B5 (176mm x 250mm),
*C5 (162mm x 229mm), *DL (110mm x 220mm).
The number of file separator pages that are placed at the beginning
of each copy of the spooled file. Valid values are -1, or the number of
separators. The value *FILE is encoded as -1.
The Integrated File System path name of the form definition or a special value.
If an Integrated File System path is specified the format is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/formdef.FORMDF"
where library is the library of the form definition and
formdef is the name of the form definition.
Valid special values include *NONE, *INLINE, *INLINED, and *DEVD.
Message option for sending a message to the writer's message queue
when the current form type is finished. Valid values are *MSG, *NOMSG,
For the front side of a piece of paper, it specifies, how far in from
the left side of the page printing starts. The special value *DEVD is encoded
as -2.
The Integrated File System path of the front overlay. The format of the Integrated File System path is
"/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/overlay.OVL" where
library is the library of the resource and overlay is the
name of the overlay.
The string "*NONE" is used to indicate that no front overlay is specified.
Whether a Hold Writer (HLDWTR) command has been issued for this writer. Possible values
are *NO - no HLDWTR command was issued, *IMMED - the writer is held when its output buffers
are empty, *CTRLD - writer held after the current copy of the spooled file has printed,
*PAGEEND - writer held at the end of the page.
The number of job separators to be placed at the beginning of the output
for each job having spooled files on this output queue. Valid values are
-2, 0-9. The value *MSG is encoded as -2. Job separators are specified
when the output queue is created.
How a file's line data records are spaced when printed. The information is returned only for *LINE and *AFPDSLINE printer device types files. Valid values are *SINGLE, *DOUBLE, *TRIPLE, or *CTLCHAR.
The message help, which is sometimes known as second-level text, can
be returned by a "retrieve message" request. The system limits
the length to 3000 characters (English version must be 30% less to allow
for translation).
The Integrated File System path of the message queue that the writer uses for operational
messages. The format of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/messageque.MSGQ"
where library is the library that contains the message queue and
messageque is the name of the message queue.
The message reply. Text string to be provided by the client which answers
a message of type "inquiry". In the case of message retrieved,
the attribute value is returned by the system and contains the default
reply which the client can use. The system limits the length to 132 characters.
Should be null-terminated due to variable length.
The message text, that is sometimes known as first-level text, can
be returned by a "retrieve message" request. The system limits
the length to 132 characters.
The message type, a 2-digit, EBCDIC encoding. Two types of messages
indicate whether one can "answer" a "retrieved" message:
'04' Informational messages convey information without asking for a reply
(may require a corrective action instead), '05' Inquiry messages convey
information and ask for a reply.
When this attribute value is set to *YES by the client, the performance of list spooled file operations can be greatly improved. The default value is *NO.
The total number of bytes available in the stream or spooled file.
The value indicates the number of bytes BEFORE any transform of the data takes place.
In order to accommodate files of sizes greater than 2**31 - 1 bytes, this value
is scaled; the user needs to multiply the value by 10K to get the actual number of bytes.
This attribute is not valid for spooled files being viewed in page-at-a-time mode.
The number of bytes to read for a read operation, or the number of
bytes to write for a write operation. The object action determines how
to interpret this attribute.
An "extended" attribute used by some objects like font resources.
This value shows up via WRKOBJ and DSPOBJD commands on the system. The
title on a system screen may just indicate "Attribute". In the
case of object types of font resources, for example, common values are
The Integrated File System path of the output queue. The format of the Integrated File System path is
"/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/queue.OUTQ" where library is the library
that contains the output queue and queue is the name of the
output queue.
The Integrated File System path name of the page definition or a special value. If an Integrated File System path is specified the format is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/pagedef.PAGDFN" where library is the library of the page definition and pagedef is the name of the page definition. Valid special values include *NONE.
The size of the paper in paper source one. If this field
is not specified or the value is not valid, the special value of *MFRTYPMDL
is used. Valid values are *NONE - there is no paper source one or the
paper is manually fed into the printer,
*MFRTYPMDL - the paper size suggested by the manufacturer type
and model is used, *LETTER (8.5 x 11.0 inches), *LEGAL (8.5 x 14.0 inches),
*EXECUTIVE (7.25 x 10.5 inches), *LEDGER (17.0 x 11.0 inches),
*A3 (297mm x 420mm), *A4 (210mm x 297mm), *A5 (148mm x 210mm),
*B4 (257mm x 364mm), *B5 (182mm x 257mm), *CONT80 (8.0 inches wide with
continuous form), *CONT132 (13.2 inches wide with continuous form).
The size of the paper in paper source two. If this field
is not specified or the value is not valid, the special value of *MFRTYPMDL
is used. Valid values are *NONE - there is no paper source two or the
paper is manually fed into the printer,
*MFRTYPMDL - the paper size suggested by the manufacturer type
and model is used, *LETTER (8.5 x 11.0 inches), *LEGAL (8.5 x 14.0 inches),
*EXECUTIVE (7.25 x 10.5 inches), *LEDGER (17.0 x 11.0 inches),
*A3 (297mm x 420mm), *A4 (210mm x 297mm), *A5 (148mm x 210mm),
*B4 (257mm x 364mm), *B5 (182mm x 257mm), *CONT80 (8.0 inches wide with
continuous form), *CONT132 (13.2 inches wide with continuous form).
For font resources only, this value is an encoding of the number of
pels ("1" represents a pel size of 240, "2" represents
a pel size of 320). Additional values may become meaningful as the system defines them.
The Integrated File System path of the printer file. The format of the Integrated File System path is
"/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/printerfile.FILE" where library is the library
that contains the printer file and printerfile is the name of
the printer file.
Restart printing. Valid values are -1, -2, -3, or the page number to
restart at. The value *STRPAGE is encoded as -1, the value *ENDPAGE is
encoded as -2, and the value *NEXT is encoded as -3.
One or more staples are driven into the media along the finishing operation axis, which is positioned at the center of the media parallel to the reference edge. Valid values are *NONE, *DEVD, *TOP, and *LEFT.
The drawer to be used when the automatic cut sheet feed option is selected.
Valid values are -1, -2, 1-255. The value *E1 is encoded as -1, and the
value *FORMDF is encoded as -2.
Indicates the client authentication method used to create this spooled file. Valid values include x'00'(*NONE), x'01'(*REQUESTER), x'02'(*BASIC), x'03'(*CERTIFICATE), and 'x'04'(*DIGEST).
The page number at which to start printing the spooled file. Valid
values are -1, 0, 1, or the page number. The value *ENDPAGE is encoded
as -1. For the value 0, printing starts on page 1. For the value 1, the
entire file prints.
The name of the system where the spooled file was created. When the name of the system where this spooled file was created cannot be determined, the receiving system name is used.
For spooled files this is the time this spooled file was opened.
For AFP resources this is the time the object was last modified.
The time is encoded in a character string with the following format,
The time the job that created the spooled file on the system ended. This field must be set to blanks when special value *ALL is used
for field Starting spooled file create date or when special value *LAST is used for field Ending spooled file create date. This field must have a value set if a
date is specified for field Ending spooled file create date. The time must be in the HHMMSS format, defined as follows:
Indicates the time at which the writer began processing the spooled file.
The time is encoded in a character string with the following format,
Indicates the time at which the writer finished processing the spooled file.
The time is encoded in a character string with the following format,
User defined data to be utilized by user applications or user specified
programs that process spool files. All characters are acceptable. Max size
is 255.
The Integrated File System path of the user defined object to be utilized
by user applications that process spool files. If an Integrated File System path the format
of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/object.type" where library
is the name of the library that contains the object or one of the special
values %LIBL% or %CURLIB%. object is the name of the object and
type is the object type. Valid values for type include
The string "*NONE" is used to indicate no user defined object is to
be used.
User defined options to be utilized by user applications that process
spool files. Up to 4 options may be specifies, each value is length char(10).
All characters are acceptable.
The Integrated File System path of the user defined driver program that processes spooled files.
The format of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/program.PGM" where
library is the name of the library that contains the program and
program is the program name. The library may be one of the
special values %LIBL% and %CURLIB% or a specific library name.
The string "*NONE" is used to indicate that no driver program is defined.
The Integrated File System path of the user defined transform program that
transforms spool file data before it is processed by the driver program.
The format of the Integrated File System path is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/program.PGM" where
library is the name of the library that contains the program and
program is the program name. The library may be one of the
special values %LIBL% and %CURLIB% or a specific library name.
The string "*NONE" is used to indicate that no transform program is defined.
The processing to take place when viewing a page of
spooled file data (in page-at-a-time mode).
Valid values are *ABSOLUTE and *CONTENT(default). To process all non-raster data (commands) prior
to the current page, *ABSOLUTE is used. For SCS files, *CONTENT is used to process
only open time commands plus the current page. For AFPDS files, *CONTENT
is used to process the first page of data plus the current page.
Whether the writer has written all the data currently in the spooled file
and is waiting for more data. Possible values are *NO - the writer is not
waiting for more data, *YES - the writer has written all the data currently in
the spooled file and is waiting for more data. This condition occurs when the
writer is producing an open spooled file with SCHEDULE(*IMMED) specified.
Whether the writer is waiting to get the device from a job that is printing
directly to the printer. Values are *NO - the writer is not waiting for the
device, *YES - the writer is waiting for the device.
The Integrated File System path of the workstation customizing object. The format of the Integrated File System path
is "/QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/custobj.WSCST" where library is the library that
contains the customization object and custobj is the name of the workstation
customization object.
Specifies the page number of the first page to print from the first
spooled file when the writer job starts. This is only valid if the spooled
file name is also specified when the writer starts.
Indicates whether the print writer is in writing status. Values are
*YES - the writer is in writing status, *NO - the writer is not in writing
status, *FILE - the writer is writing the file separators.