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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LineDataRecordWriter example. This program uses the line data // record writer access class to create a line data spooled file // on the system. // // This source is an example of using the IBM Toolbox for Java // "LineDataRecordWriter" class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import*; import*; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class TestA { //Private private static int ccsid_ = -1; // local ccsid variable private static AS400 system_ = null; // the system private static SequentialFile file_ = null; // the file /** ** Create the record field descriptions and record format. **/ public static RecordFormat initializeRecordFormat() { // Create the record format. RecordFormat qcustcdt = new RecordFormat(); // Create record field descriptions for the record format. ZonedDecimalFieldDescription customerNumber = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(6,0), "CUSNUM"); CharacterFieldDescription lastName = new CharacterFieldDescription(new AS400Text(8, ccsid_, system_), "LSTNAM"); CharacterFieldDescription initials = new CharacterFieldDescription(new AS400Text(3, ccsid_, system_), "INIT"); CharacterFieldDescription street = new CharacterFieldDescription(new AS400Text(13, ccsid_, system_), "STREET"); CharacterFieldDescription city = new CharacterFieldDescription(new AS400Text(6, ccsid_, system_), "CITY"); CharacterFieldDescription state = new CharacterFieldDescription(new AS400Text(2, ccsid_, system_), "STATE"); ZonedDecimalFieldDescription zipCode = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(5,0), "ZIPCOD"); ZonedDecimalFieldDescription creditLimit = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(4,0), "CDTLMT"); ZonedDecimalFieldDescription chargeCode = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(1,0), "CHGCOD"); ZonedDecimalFieldDescription balanceDue = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(6,2), "BALDUE"); ZonedDecimalFieldDescription creditDue = new ZonedDecimalFieldDescription(new AS400ZonedDecimal(6,2), "CDTDUE"); // assign constants from FieldDescription class int justLeft = FieldDescription.ALIGN_LEFT; int justRight = FieldDescription.ALIGN_RIGHT; // set the length and alignment attributes for writing the fields // The length indicates how many characters the field is, and // justification indicates where in the layout field the data // should be placed. customerNumber.setLayoutAttributes(10,justLeft); lastName.setLayoutAttributes(10,justLeft); initials.setLayoutAttributes(4,justLeft); street.setLayoutAttributes(15,justLeft); city.setLayoutAttributes(10,justLeft); state.setLayoutAttributes(3,justLeft); zipCode.setLayoutAttributes(5,justLeft); creditLimit.setLayoutAttributes(10,justRight); chargeCode.setLayoutAttributes(3,justRight); balanceDue.setLayoutAttributes(10,justRight); creditDue.setLayoutAttributes(10,justRight); // set the record format ID String d = "CUSTRECID"; qcustcdt.setRecordFormatID(d); // if this were a variable field length record, // we would set the type and delimiter accordingly. We // also would not have needed to specify layoutLength and // layoutAlignment values. // qcustcdt.setRecordFormatType(RecordFormat.VARIABLE_LAYOUT_LENGTH); // qcustcdt.setDelimiter(';'); // set the record type to fixed field length qcustcdt.setRecordFormatType(RecordFormat.FIXED_LAYOUT_LENGTH); // add the field descriptions to the record format. qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(customerNumber); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(lastName); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(initials); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(street); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(city); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(state); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(zipCode); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(creditLimit); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(chargeCode); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(balanceDue); qcustcdt.addFieldDescription(creditDue); return qcustcdt; } /** ** Creates the actual record with data **/ public static void createRecord(Record record) { record.setField("CUSNUM", new BigDecimal(323)); record.setField("LSTNAM", "Johnson"); record.setField("INIT", "B E"); record.setField("STREET", "5234 Elm St"); record.setField("CITY", "Rchstr"); record.setField("STATE", "MN"); record.setField("ZIPCOD", new BigDecimal(55901)); record.setField("CDTLMT", new BigDecimal(5000.00)); record.setField("CHGCOD", new BigDecimal(3)); record.setField("BALDUE", new BigDecimal(25.00)); record.setField("CDTDUE", new BigDecimal(0.00)); } public static void main(String[]args) { // create an instance of the system system_ = new AS400("SYSTEMA", "JOE", "PGMR"); // create a ccsid ccsid_ = system_.getCcsid(); // create output queue and specify spooled file data to be *LINE OutputQueue outQ = new OutputQueue(system_, "/QSYS.LIB/QUSRSYS.LIB/LDRW.OUTQ"); PrintParameterList parms = new PrintParameterList(); parms.setParameter(PrintObject.ATTR_PRTDEVTYPE, "*LINE"); parms.setParameter(PrintObject.ATTR_PAGDFN,"/QSYS.LIB.QUSRSYS.LIB/LDRW.PAGDFN"); parms.setParameter(PrintObject.ATTR_CONVERT_LINEDATA,"*YES"); // initialize the record format for writing data RecordFormat recfmt = initializeRecordFormat(); // create a record and assign data to be printed... Record record = new Record(recfmt); createRecord(record); SpooledFileOutputStream os = null; try { // create the output spooled file to hold the record data os = new SpooledFileOutputStream(system_, parms, null, outQ); } if (os != null) { // Output stream was created successfully! LineDataRecordWriter ldw; try { // create the line data record writer ldw = new LineDataRecordWriter(os, ccsid_, system_); // write the record of data ldw.writeRecord(record); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error occurred writing record data"); } // close the output stream (spooled file) try { os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error occurred closing output stream."); } } } }